
It's been awhile but I'm back on my blog with a pic of a necklace designed for something special. Approached by someone
who was holding an auction to raise money for a desert race in Morocco ultimately to raise money for food and education of
the children there as well as locally. She is one of a team (all women) who will be driving jeeps across the Moroccan desert.
Months of endurance training as well as months of raising the money to enter for the privilege of competing as well as gathering 50 kilos of food and clothing. I had the easy task of providing something for their auction. Anyone interested in following this race can do so at The race started today! and is called Roses des Sables which translates into Desert Roses....and therefore my inspiration. The colors of sand, pinks and ambers (the colors of a desert sunset) and I luckily came across some vintage brass camels as I was completing the necklace (what luck!)
I also decided to create a painting also titled Desert Roses (in honor of the two sisters participating in this race) in colors of
pinks and siennas with a bit of collage included depicting Moroccan images. Just the sort of inspiration I love!
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